Gerry Ferretti - Founder of NYLIFFGerry Ferretti - Founder of NYLIFFShevy Gutierrez: Writer, Producer, Actor of 'The Job'Shevy Gutierrez: Writer, Producer, Actor of 'The Job'Jeff Abrahams - ElectriclandElectricland You can reach the host, or any of the interviewed guests, using the form below. Email To*Your message will be forwarded to (pick one) ... Gerry Ferretti - NYLIFF Shevy Gutierrez - The Job Jeff Abraham - Electricland Paula Gottlieb Herman - Cooking With Stars Your name (message from)* Your Best Email* Your PhoneoptionalMessage Δ New York Long Island Film Festival NYLIFF MichaelH | Media Coverage | November 10, 2019 1:33 PM 0 Comments